Hey guys, I wanted to talk to y'all about your tech and how things love to break and not work anymore causing you to have to decide to fix it, trash it and get a new one, or just find another way to do something.
For me personally, I like to troubleshoot the problem to narrow down what it wrong with my machine and go through every option before I give it a proper burial and buy a new one. So far, my sewing machine has decided to break, or at least some part of it did, and I have ABSOLUTELY no idea how to fix it. Like who now-a-days knows how to take apart a sewing machine and be like "Hmm, yes this piece seems to be missing or broken."? Yeah. Not many people. Another problem is that I inherited my sewing machine from my grandmother after she passed away so it is over ten years old. It makes trying to find videos of people fixing it nearly impossible. One thing I did was look up to see if there was a setting that messed up while I was working on my cosplay. So from my extensive research, there is an issue with the tension, but when I messed with the settings nothing changed. Next thing I did was look online to find someone who can fix a sewing machine because I really didn't want to get rid of it and buy a new one. Not only because of the price of getting a good sewing machine, but because this was my grandmother's. Well, I found someone who looks to be credible and one of my friends got their sewing machine fixed from him. I still have yet to go and get them to fix it, but at least there is a possibility that the machine is salvageable. Unfortunately, I have had to put parts of my cosplays and pretty much my whole Hawke mage armor cosplay on hold.
So don't get discouraged. There is always a way to work through your issue.
Another thing that happened to me recently is that my airbrush decided to stop spraying paint. This frustrated me even more than my sewing machine because I had only gotten this thing like a month ago and it has decided to not work. I spent hours upon hours to find out what the issue was. Thankfully I had narrowed down the issue and it wasn't that my air compressor was faulty (cause those things are expensive). So at that point I knew that it was the airbrush itself. I made sure I was taking it apart carefully and fully cleaned it inside and out. I spent an hour just thoroughly cleaning it out with my 99% isopropyl alcohol. Well, as you can imagine I was livid when I put it back together and still no paint was spraying even with a bunch of air coming out. I went ahead and bought some cleaning tools and another airbrush on amazon even though I was still determined to figure out the issue with the old one. I did read later in a forum that someone was having the exact same issue as me. They had gone through every technique to make sure that it was unclogged and they confirmed that when they put rubbing alcohol in it sprayed perfectly, but when they put the airbrush paint in it still wouldn't spray. Well, I tried this and I got the same results. "Well, ok so there's no clog, but why does one thing spray and the other doesn't? .............I'M A COMPLETE IDIOT!" Yes. I figured out the issue was that the paint was too viscous for my airbrush. This never crossed my mind because it had worked before without thinning my airbrush paint. After all that it was my inexperienced self not realizing it was an issue. But hey, I still have the cleaning tools coming and having more than one airbrush is useful when you need multiple paints for a piece.
So that's all I wanted to talk about today. I hope by showing my process with two major technical issues it helps you with troubleshooting the problems you have encountered along the way. As always, be sure to follow me on FB, Instagram, and Twitter and let me know how your cosplays are going and if you have experienced issues like this or any others!
Till next time,
Emzer (RezCosplay)